Stuart Davis
Stuart Davis was born on December 7, 1894, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and died on June 24, 1964 at the age of 71, in New York, New York. The type of style Davis does is cubism. His Cubist paintings were of urban landscapes. His style of painting was rhythmic contrast between geometric areas of solid color. The form of art Davis did was abstract; he liked that the most.
The title of the art piece by Davis is called, “Stele,” which is famous. It was created in 1956. Davis’ medium for this painting was oil on canvas, a common medium used by artists. Davis created this painting because; most or all of his paintings were oil on canvas. He didn’t really pick certain shapes to put in his paintings, but instead he made them up as he painted, which is unique. The main colors he used in “Stele” were red, blue, black, and white.
“Stele” appeals to me because there’s really no meaning to it. It also has many ordinary and unordinary shapes in it, making “Stele” really cool. Davis’ use of 4 solid colors-red, blue, black, and white-really make the shapes pop out at you when you’re looking at it.
Suicidal Teenagers
Did you know that more than 30,000 Americans commit suicide every year? 5,000 of those deaths are from teenagers. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people between the ages of 14 and 25 in the United States. Most suicides occur in the teen’s home between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight. There are 30 to 50 as many attempted suicides as completed suicides. Four times as many males complete suicide than females, but female teens attempt suicide twice as frequently as male teenagers. Suicide is a permanent decision to someone’s life.
Do people know why people commit suicide? Most people commit suicide due to mental disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, drugs, and alcohol. Other reasons are personal relationships with a boyfriend or girlfriend getting cheated on for a long time. Most people who have successfully committed suicide often leave behind a note near their body explaining why they killed themselves and what their feelings were. Some problems could be being made fun of for liking their same sex or if they’re fat or skinny.
How do people commit suicide? People who want to kill themselves think of a way that would work by killing themselves. The most common suicide attempt is with a firearm. Generally, the bullet will be aimed at point-blank range, often at the head, into the mouth, under the chin, or pointed at the chest. All of these are most likely to kill someone instantly. Another common one is wrist cutting. People who want to kill themselves use a knife or a sharp item to cut their wrist where the vain is located and blood will squirt out like a faucet.
What do you do if someone you know is suicidal? When you know someone who is suicidal you should take action and try to help them out of killing themselves. Some things you could do are asking those questions like, “Are you thinking about suicide?”, “Have you thought about how you would do it?” Asking them these questions would reduce the risk of suicide to that person. You should listen to what they’re saying. Some things they might say are, “I wish I was dead.”, “and I wish I weren’t born.” This is when you know you need to get more people involved in helping with this person. Try to get emergency help right away, by calling 911, not leaving them alone, and tell a family member.
Since suicide is a permanent decision...Why would you do it? There are many reasons out there that people feel like they need to die or harm themselves intentionally. Also, there are many ways people can kill themselves. So if you know someone who is suicidal, get help, and try to talk them out of it before it’s too late.